July 2, 2011

6/20/11Daddy flew home

summer fun!!!
      today we took a walked on the beach and i got really freaked out by these super weird bug things. then we went to 
the porch and waved good buy to daddy and mark because they where both fling to miami but isabella wasn’t there to say good buy to her dad because she had to be in school sadly. but after her school when we went to pick her up i got to meat some of her friends in west hampton. before we picked up isabella we got me and nikki got a chocolate dipped cone witch is a regular cone with vanilla ice cream and the vanilla ice cream is dipped in melted chocolate. after the ice cream we picked up isabella and went to the vineyard at the vineyard we planted some little lavender plants that smell really good. also when we where at the vineyard we watered some tomatoes. after the vineyard we greenport and ate some dinner and it wasn’t that good. then on the way back matthew was acting really weird than we went to bed!!!
the end!!!
by:ashley blum!!!

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