July 18, 2012

16th July

 This is the Eden Project which is real interesting. We spent the whole day there and saw lots of different ways to be green. There were different regions like Mediterranean, Africa etc...Different eco systems. The biosphere was really cool. It took you to different areas of the world and there foliage etc.
By Max x

 This guy was made of lots of different recyclable products he was cool. There were lots of different works of art I enjoyed seeing. The bee was cool too.

By Ashley x

15th July

 Went to see Mount St. Michael today.... It was really fun we walked out there but couldn't walk back because the water came up and covered the path way. At the castle we had breakfast, I had a cream tea for breakfast which is a scone clotted cream and strawberry jam. It was delicious.
 In the castle we had a children's quiz to do. We had to find lots of things out there were some really cool old pictures and things. The views were amazing.

By Max x
After the castle we went to the tin mine at Geevor. It was real creepy inside. We went into the original mine and saw where they ate and how they took the tin out. It was amazing. We then drove to Mevagissey Cornwall which is a little fishing village, had a drink then drove back to Newquay anne played one game of table tennis and went to bed. 
By Ashley x

14th July

When we woke up this morning Uncle A and Charmaine arrived they came early enough to wake us up.  It's really nice to be all together. We went for a walk down the beach and went rock climbing. Following that we went and booked a surf lesson for Ashley, Mom, Uncle A and me. I had a great time I stood up easily so did Ashley.  Mom and Uncle A were laughing a lot..... They had a hard time standing. Granddad and Charmaine took all the Pics so we will have some soon when they share them with us!!! By Max x

As you can see by my bottom I fell in the sand Max pushed me.... We have been having a good laugh. After surfing today Uncle A played table tennis with us there is also a pool table in our hotel. 
We went out for dinner to a place called Bowgie. The food was really nice I also had a lovely pudding. 
By Ashley x

13th July

Today Mommy and Granddad took it in turns to drive us to Cornwall.  We stopped off the M5 at junction 25 for lunch at a really nice pub on the way. I can't remember what it was called but we sat and played sevens then headed on our way again. When we arrived we took a walk around and looked into buying some surfing lessons. I think Uncle A and Charmaine are coming down tomorrow too. 

As you can see these seagulls are huge. I don't know what type they are but they are loud.
We went out for dinner at a pub where there were some funny dressed people there was a wedding and they were all wearing Gordon tartan kilts. Some of the women had some funny clothes. We were at a place called St. Christophers pub with a nice view of the next bay up from Newquay.
By Ashley x

12th July

Today we went over to Granddad's field. We love to go on the tractor and mow the field for him.  After mowing the field we went for a walk around and went down the stream to the boggy area, towards the boundary and the river. The water was cold but the river was easy to walk in. There are some weeping willow trees and new roots on them. I wish we could go over the field every day. 
By Max x

I mowed some of the field for Granddad today afterwards I climbed about 20ft up the 40-50ft tree. I love it.... There were some horses in the next field they are so pretty.
Later we went back to granddad's house had dinner and played cards all night.
By Ashley x

July 16, 2012

11th July

Toady we woke up helped Granddad clean some things at home and went to Bicester to clean some duvets and pillows. While they were being cleaned we went walking around Bicester had some coffee and played cards. We also found an old fashioned sweet shop they are great..... Max bought some Fishermans friends we also got Coca Cola cubes. We went shopping at Tesco, had dinner played some more cards which we love and then went to sleep at a normal english time.
By Ashley x
This picture is of a gate in Bicester.
This morning I got up ate breakfast, then went on my annual watch hunt because granddad has loads of watches.  I found 13 of them that time. Then we went to some laundry place to wash a duvet and pillows. The sheets were on top of us in the car it was fun..... we were nice and toastie. Afterwards we went shopping at Tesco's, bought some sweets. When we got home I watched Croc Dundee, when he goes that's not a knife..... This is a knife!!! It was so funny, then we went to sleep.
By Max x

10th July

Today I woke up on the plane by the fasten seat belt sign announcement and prepare for landing. When we got off the plane we went to the curb and granddad picked us up and we went to see the olympic torch..... Which was a real bummer because the olympic competitors were just in a little bus!!!!!!!! We went to Sheila's we also saw Barney and Cracker. We played cards and stuff we got some fish and chips took it home and ate it. It was yummy. We then played a bunch of cards and went to bed. 
By Ashley x

This morning I woke up on the plane in England, when we got off the plane we got our bags, went to granddads car.  Before we got off the plane Mom tale me granddad would say" Ello my boy" and guess what he said???? "Hello my boy" and to Ashley" Hello my girl!"

 We tried to see the torch at Eton rowing club.... If you look in the picture you'll see a girl carrying the torch. We were close but didn't get to see much. We sat and played cars in the light rain.

    Following that we got back in the car and stopped to see Sheila, granddads girlfriend. This is Barney        her cat.
                                  This is Cracker her African Grey parrot. By Max x

July 14, 2012

9th July

Today we woke up packed and went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was awesome!!!!
When we were on our way to the rock and Roll Hall of Fame we saw the football stadium and the baseball stadium all along lake Erie.
The first thing we did when we arrived t the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was go to the Elvis exhibit and Michael Jackson. All the old rock star exhibits and we saw a lot of dead people who made it in.In the video of the inducted people from last year we saw our friend Darlene Love. We are so proud of her. Afterwards we headed to the airport and flew to Uk. Yeah!!!!!
by Ashley x
This morning we woke up and when straight to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was awesome but I never knew Paul McCartney curses a lot. 

Afterwards we went to the airport and went on a tiny jet to La Guardia NY. Then we took a taxi from there to JFK NY. to take another larger jet to the UK. We said our good-byes to dad. That was a sad moment. I went to sleep after watching a movie on the plane.
By Max x

July 13, 2012

8th July

Today we woke up and immediately went to have breakfast at a really good bagel place called Corky's and Lenny's. Thanks to Myrna and Bruce, who are Eric's parents they organized it all! For breakfast I had a bagel with loads of cream cheese!!!! Afterwards we went to Myrna and Bruce's house to meet Charlie..... Who I love. We also saw Eric and Laura who are the wonderful wed couple. Then we left the house because Eric and Laura had to go to the airport to fly home. We had a quick tour of the area where Bruce and Myrna live, there are some really lovely houses there. We went out for dinner with Bruce, Myrna and Lee. We also met Lee's daughter Ashley who is really nice.
 Today dad woke us up he's still a pain when we woke up we went for breakfast at a bagel place. It tasted really great until I spilt my orange juice all over the place. Then we left and went to Bruce and Myrna's house where we met a little dog called Charlie which was very cute..... We went to a restaurant   for dinner with them it was yummy. Afterwards went to sleep... Night Max x

7th July

This morning we got in the car after we left left these wonderful people whose names were Will,Kate and Valentina. Will had gone to play golf in the morning so I didn't get to say good-bye. We last for Cleveland to a wedding reception, it was cool we met some family who I'd never met before they were really nice people. Then we went back to our hotel and went to sleep. 
By Max x

       Today we woke up and had to leave Michigan to head for Cleveland. In the morning we played        pool and we then left. In the car we tried to get caught up on our work. We went to Tim Horton's on the way and stopped for lunch, it was soo good. We went to the wedding reception at 7 o'clock where we met a bunch of kids, had lots of fun playing with them. then we went back to the hotel and went to sleep. By Ashley x