July 18, 2012

14th July

When we woke up this morning Uncle A and Charmaine arrived they came early enough to wake us up.  It's really nice to be all together. We went for a walk down the beach and went rock climbing. Following that we went and booked a surf lesson for Ashley, Mom, Uncle A and me. I had a great time I stood up easily so did Ashley.  Mom and Uncle A were laughing a lot..... They had a hard time standing. Granddad and Charmaine took all the Pics so we will have some soon when they share them with us!!! By Max x

As you can see by my bottom I fell in the sand Max pushed me.... We have been having a good laugh. After surfing today Uncle A played table tennis with us there is also a pool table in our hotel. 
We went out for dinner to a place called Bowgie. The food was really nice I also had a lovely pudding. 
By Ashley x

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