June 19, 2011

Washington DC

Day 7
June 12

First we got up and ate fruit for breakfast and, walked for ever up to the train. When we got to the train station Dad tried to get the machine to work.  He tried and he tried and tried again, but he couldn't do it. So he gave up and asked some one how to do it. Then we went down a BIG ESCALATOR 
On to a train!!! And the train went SUPER FAST!!!
Close to the air and space Museum and when you just walk in you see tons of planes and jets it was amazing with the Apollo Capsule the actual Capsule do you know how you can tell how it was the actual one?  

 You can tell because of all the fiery marks on the bottom of the Capsule which is caused by the fire falling from the sky  in to the water. Then we went up another BIG ESCALATOR!!!
Up to this place where it shows you how an air craft carrier works it is so cool it's cooler than PEEING!!! 
After that we went to learn how the Americans ended the war with Japan, it's quite simple the Americans dropped an Atomic tvwmpnp Bomb then Japan surrendered. 
After the fact we went to eat because I was STARVING
I ate pizza it was YUMMY
 Continuing our tour we went to the space part ....We learnt about the Space Ship they used to go to the moon but I forgot what it's called. 
Any way we kept moving on to the space monkey.  He is pretty, pretty ugly. ( ha ha ha).

So then we left to the double decker BBBBBUUUSSS. 
To the Lincoln memorial it was HUMONGOUS.  On the wall there was the Gettesburg address. Then we took a bus back to the hotel and changed to go to a Chinese resterant in China Town it was fun and I ordered some really spicy chicken. When we left we saw this person doing some amazing paintings so Ashley wanted one, so she got one. Then we went back to the hotel and went to sleep


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