June 12, 2011

Williamsburg, Virginia to Washington, DC.

Day 6
June 11
This morning Mom let us sleep till 8:00 then we left to the same place we were yesterday. When we arrived we had a little tour with a lady who knew everything and gave us lots of advice.  Next we went to the wheel maker and we watched them make a wheel and how they were right next to the black smith place and they were making a rake handle. When we got there we took a tour where everything is were George Washington slept in his mansion and, you know John Hancock wanted to stop slavery even though he had slaves himself. 

Dieu et mon droit/ means God and my right.

After the fact we went to this court thing and dad got to be the lawyer and talked about stuff that I can't under stand but it was funny. 
Following that, we went to a shoe maker that made shoes.  

We went to get ice cream while we were eating ice cream we saw a parade with fifes and drums. 

So then we left to DC. And in the middle if the drive we went to 5 Guys and I had a really  oniony burger. We wrote our blogs in the car. When we got to Washington our hotel called The Hotel Monaco, Kimpton chain. When we checked in they offerd us a beer. The people were reallllly nice. Went to sleep

By: Max Blum

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