June 12, 2011


This morning mom had to be the mean mom for waking us up at 7:30 and I was tired especially going on a 7 hour car ride it was fun we played in the car a lot. In the middle of it, I had to pull the car over so I could PEE NOW THAT WAS FUN!!! 
(ha ha ha).  Then we kept driving on, and on and, on. 
 Finally made it to Williamsburg, Virginia. Now we rented this deserted hotel so we can scream as much as we want!!! 
Next, we went to a place for dinner called Josiah Chowning's Tavern.
 In the middle of dinner this guy came over playing a pocket fiddle or some thing like that.  He was really interesting I forgot what all the instruments are called but he had over 12.

After that, we went  to this army thingy for the Civil War re-enactment and when you 
did some thing wrong they'd get at you. And they showed us the 's and they shot the 
gun powder is was super loud!!  It also looked like the fire was close to their faces. 

Then we walked around a lot, we left shortly afterwards and as we were walking to the car we saw tons of lightning bugs they glowed up the night, then went to sleep!
From MAX BLUM!!

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